
Friday, April 10, 2015

Prep Your Home for a Spring Garden

Spring is in the air, (at least we hope it is!) and now is the time of year to begin thinking about planning your garden at home. We certainly don’t claim to be gardening experts, but we’ve harvested some quick gardening tips and resources that will hopefully help you yield a successful garden this year.

Choose the right soil. “Roots live in the soil. So the most important part of your garden is the part below ground. Most soil around houses isn't ideal for plants, so improving it is the most powerful thing you can do to have a successful garden.” is the advice that Burpee gives to their customers. A good way to improve your soil is by adding fertilizer and organic matter like crushed eggshells, compost from other vegetable peels or fruit cores, and coffee grounds.

Plan ahead before buying your seeds. According to Urban Farmer: “Selecting your veggies before you design your garden will help ensure you have the correct amount of room and the best growing conditions.”  A great way to do that is make a list of the veggies your family enjoys. If you know that no one likes brussels sprouts, then save your time and don’t plant that vegetable. If you are a beginner gardener, start small so you can manage your garden if time is limited.

Follow the light. Make sure you plant your vegetable garden where there is the most ideal light exposure. “Most vegetables need at least 6-8 hours of direct sun. If they don't get enough light, they won't bear as much and they'll be more susceptible to attack from insects or diseases” says Better Homes and Gardens. If veggie gardens aren’t your taste, follow the lighting guide for flowers and perennials at the bottom of the Urban Farmer’s page.

Water. Different plants require different amounts of water. The Farmer’s Almanac has a really fantastic easy to follow guide for watering vegetables.

Enjoy what you have produced. When the time comes to gather your crops, be sure to pick them at their peak. A good way to know if they are ready is to check the vegetable planting guide by Urban Farmers.  They also are a great resource for tips and suggestions for planting, and maintaining your garden.

For a great resource on seed starting indoors, check out Burpee's informative videos.

Best of luck with your garden!

Hodorowski Homes is the Capital Region’s premier homebuilder building single family homes in Schenectady, NY and its surrounding areas. Please visit for more information. 

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